The Love Story
The Love story adds a new, exciting and romantic dimension to your wedding day celebration. People will talk about your Love Story for years after your wedding has passed.
It is to be read out loud, over the PA system by your DJ / MC, to the attending guests, during your grand entrance, after all the members of the bridal party have been introduced in. Just after the DJ announces the Best Man and Maid of Honor, the music will transition from the upbeat and exciting grand entrance music to a more romantic and passionate love song. As an example, currently, I like to use Love Theme from St Elmo’s Fire. As your DJ I will read the story of where you were the very first time you met, what was happening and what did each of you ( Bride and Groom feel ) .
I will ask a bride and groom to give me as much detail as they can by filling out the online love story form that is on our web site –, but this is usually not nearly enough to be able to tell the story the way I want to. I will almost always call the bride and ask her all the details as I type, and then repeat what I have typed. In almost all cases I will change things ever so slightly to achieve the romantic goal I am aiming for. And this tiny bit of poetic / artistic license is always just fine with the bride and groom. Here are examples of some that I have done over the years. Use them as a guide to create and craft your own romantic love tale. Once you have read 5 or more of these, you will begin to see the framework and how to set one up. You will notice in some of them I have left in my cues and other notes. Sometimes I want to add a certain phrase, or a music clip or some other influence to make the Love Story resonate even more with the crowd that is listening.
To begin I want to show you the changes that I make in a story that is given to me. These first two ( Versions A and B ) are the same loves story. The first one ( Version A ) is the original sent to me by the bride. The second one ( Version B ) is the updated and changed one that I did using her information to get my story line.
Version A (Love Story)
It was 2005, Samantha had just started her first year of college and needed a part time job. Her soon-to-be brother-in-law, Jon Andrews, a dispatcher at Armstrong Ambulance, helped her get a job as a chair car driver. Little did she know that Jon was already talking about her to his co-worker, Tom. On Sam’s first day she was waiting in the Main Brattle Court base for someone to pick her up to start training. Having a bit of a rough morning, Tom barged into the base, asking “Sam? Where’s Sam?” A nervous Sam stands up, and he says “Let’s go!” and walks out. Needless to say, not the best of first impressions.
Over the next few weeks, Tom trains Sam on the road (thanks to the help of a conspiring dispatcher!). She eventually saw through the rough exterior to the sweet man hiding inside. Training ended, and over the school year, Tom began working as an EMT and Sam worked only part time. That summer, Tom was now a dispatcher, frequenting the chair car desk. Tom remembered Sam from the previous Fall, and instantly after hearing her voice on the phone and radio, started giving her all the best calls. After a few weeks of this, friends Sam had made at the company decided it would be a great idea to set the two of them up. Sam had told her friend Amanda how great she thought Tom was. Little did she know that Amanda was friends with Johanny, a close friend of Tom’s. Eventually numbers were exchanged, texts were sent, and a first date was.
Being the shy, nervous, gentleman he is, Tom shows up to the movies early, awaiting Sam’s arrival. He had a dozen red roses on the passenger seat. (Mom always said, “You’re a gentleman and a gentleman brings flowers on the first date!) Tom sees Sam arriving, and in a moment of panic, throws the flowers in the bushes! Otherwise the date goes off without a hitch. The two really hit it off, even through the shyness. (Tom did eventually give Sam flowers a few dates later.) Over the summer they get to know each other more, months roll by, becoming closer and closer.
Fast forward a few years to the summer of 2011 and Tom and Sam are happily together, but Sam is beginning to think he may make her wait the 15 years that Tom previously said he wanted to wait to get married. She’s unaware of the grand plans Tom has been making. On their 4th anniversary he makes her get up before dawn, telling her nothing except that they’re going to meet his friend, Tony. Tom didn’t have a friend named Tony. He brings her to a deserted parking lot and she begins to get nervous. To her surprise, a large SUV pulls into the parking lot with a trailer advertising hot air balloon rides- an awesome anniversary surprise. After a quick ride to the field, they help set up the balloon and climb in, cramped in a corner of a small basket with the pilot “Tony.” As they lift off and start drifting away, Tom taps on Sam’s shoulder. She turns around to see a banner on the ground. With barely enough time to read the banner that says “Will you marry me?” a shaking Tom drops to one knee and says, “I’ve been waiting forever to find the perfect moment. Finally I realized any moment is perfect because it’s you. Will you marry me?” An ecstatic Sam of course says yes, and they take in the beautiful ride over Southern New Hampshire.
That brings us to today, where all of you were invited to witness the greatest expression of love, the marriage of these two people. Tom and Sam would like to thank all of you for coming and hope you have a great time!
Version B – Tom and Amanda’s Story (Final “Flowery” Version, by Curtis Knight)
It was 2005, and young Samantha Porter had just started her first year of college and needed a part time job. Her soon-to-be brother-in-law, Jon Andrews, was a dispatcher at Armstrong Ambulance, and Jon helped get Sam a job as a chair car driver. Jon thought Sam was something special and had already been talking about Sam to his co-worker, A handsome young team member named Tom Tremblay.
On Sam’s first day at Armstrong Ambulance Sam sat waiting for her trainer to start her new career at Armstrong. As luck would have it Tom Tremblay had been assigned to train the new Ambulance recruit – Samantha Porter.
Tom had a reputation for being all business, no fooling around… and on this particular day Tom had not had a good start to his day, so he was not in a good mood. Here came angry Tom to train his new recruit. Tom burst open the door to the waiting area and into the crowded room he barked “Sam? Where’s Sam?” A nervous Sam stood up, so that her new trainer could identify her. Tom gave Sam a quick look up and down and barked “Let’s go!” in his gruff, angry voice and walked out of the room. Sam followed timidly and began to learn her new career from her new trainer.
Over the next few weeks, Tom trained Sam on the road. As Sam continued to make small talk she began to see behind the great wall that surrounded Tom, and Sam began to get her first glimpse of the big teddy bear hiding inside. Tom’s training of Sam came to an end and they began to see less of each other. But something magical had happened. A connection had been made and sparks had begun to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration had already been laid. Tom upgraded to working as an EMT and was promoted once again and now, Tom was a dispatcher.
Tom remembered Sam fondly from their training sessions together and so because it was Tom’s discretion as to who got what job and which call, Tom always made sure that the most popular runs and the most popular calls always went to is favorite – Sam. As the months passed, Sam’s new group of friends at Armstrong decided it would be a great idea to set this affection between Tom and Sam on the fast track. Sam had told her friend Amanda how great she thought Tom was. Amanda was friends with Johnny, and Johnny was friends with Tom. And so Sam’s words of affection and praise made it straight to Tom. Tom’s Mom had taught him that a gentleman always brings a lady flowers on their first date. Tom got his courage up, asked Sam to go to the movies and then arrived at the movie theater early – with 1 dozen red roses in hand. When tom saw Sam’s car arrive, he panicked, wondering what Sam would think if he handed her flowers. And so with precious seconds to spare, Tom quickly tossed the roses into a nearby bush and then went over to greet Sam.
As the months wore on they saw each other more and more and Tom eventually did give Sam a dozen roses – many dates later.
Now 6 years had passed and it was summer, 2011 and Tom and Sam were hopelessly in love – soul mates. But Sam suddenly began to wonder if Tom was as crazy for her as she was for him. Did he love her ? Would he ever propose to
her ? Sam began to wonder if she wanted to wait 15 years for Tom to propose. Tom had actually said that he wanted to be with a woman for 15 years before he would ever consider getting married.
But also, at the same time, unbeknownst to Sam, Tom had his master plan working to win Samantha as his beloved wife. On their 4th official anniversary Tom asked Sam to go on a visit to see his friend Tony. Sam wondered why she had never met this friend named Tony, but she agreed to go and see him because this was their anniversary and Sam was happy to be with Tom, no matter where they were going.
Tom drove to a large parking lot and there was a huge hot air balloon along with the balloon’s owner and operator – Tony.
Romantic Tom had arranged for a Hot Air balloon ride for his anniversary with Sam ! Tom and Sam got into the balloon’s gondola and as they soared ever higher, Tom asked Sam to turn and look over the edge of the basket, down onto the earth below. As Sam looked over the edge and down at the world, There unfurled on the ground was an enormous banner that read “Will you marry me?”
As Sam turned back to give Tom her answer, Tom had dropped to his knees and was holding an engagement ring. Tom said – and I quote…, “Sam, I’ve been waiting forever to find the perfect moment to do this. Finally, I realized any moment is perfect because it’s you. Will you marry me?”Through her tears of joy Sam yelled yes, and they kissed and hugged as their magical balloon flew over the tree tops of Southern New Hampshire.
And THAT brings us to today, right here, right now, where all of you have been invited to witness the greatest expression of love, the marriage of these two people. Tom and Sam would like to thank all of you for coming and hope you have a great time! Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tremblay.
If you did take the time to read both of these you can see what a profound difference a rewrite makes. This is the genesis of a fantastic celebration !
Erin and Dan – The Love story
It was December 2008 and Dan had been at Comcast for two years. He got a last minute call to stand in and teach a new hire class for 4 hours. There in the class of new hires was his future wife Erin. During one of the breaks they happen to chat and they discussed ipods. Later in the seminar Erin had begun to draw cartoons and she drew a broccoli with a big happy smile on it . Dan saw “Mr broccoli” and as he made small talk with Erin something began to happen to Dan. Sparks began to fly …and then Dan was trying to think of any way he could extend his time with Erin, In desperation Dan asked Erin if she would draw a Mr Broccoli for him …
As the weeks and months unfolded Erin and Dan found that their breaks would coincide and then would frequently see each other. They each began to count the hours and the minutes until they would see each other at break.
Erin had mentioned that her new shift was causing her to need more coffee and coca cola than usual, and so this trend began …Where Dan would always have an ice coffee ready and waiting for break time with Erin.
Two months had now passed and on Feb 7 2009, they had their first real date at The Cheesecake factory . 15 months later on March 26, 2010 Erin and Dan went to the movies at Chunkie’s cinema, in Pelham NH and enjoyed The Movie Hot Tub Time machine… Just before they left to go see the movie, Dan had placed the engagement ring in the pocket of his jacket for safe keeping and planned to propose to Erin later that evening. While they watched the movie, Erin was directly under a large air conditioner and she was freezing cold. She turned to Dan and said Give me your jacket I’m freezing. Dan panicked, knowing that the ring was in his jacket pocket,… so he thought for a moment and then went into a long series of bizarre moves to remove his jacket and then remove his sweatshirt, and then put his jacket back on and then hand the sweatshirt to Erin who could not imagine what could cause such strange behavior. Dan replied to Erin’s request by saying quote: “No, you can have my sweatshirt”
Now it was time to head home. In the driveway at Erin’s parents’ home, they stepped out of their car and Dan suddenly said “Hey I have something for you” He handed Erin a card…She opened the card and she was so engrossed beginning to read the card’s inscription she did not notice that Dan had dropped to his knees… Dan had opened the lid of the ring box, and the ring shone in the moonlight. Erin had barely begun to read the card when she noticed the ring glistening in the moonlight and so… she lost her place.
Dan was also, in the midst of his verbal proposal which neither of them can exactly remember to this day. Dan ended his passionate plea for Erin’s hand by saying “will you marry me”… Erin screamed yes and then she burst into tears of joy … Erin then went on to say through her veil of tears and I quote “I was not going to be that girl that cries when she hears her proposal. I am so lame”
Then Dan said “Did you finish reading the card “
Erin read the card it was a generic “Congratulations on your engagement” card – which was Dan’s attempt at humor.
And that brings us to today right here right now …
Stephanie and Frank – The Love story
The date was July 8, 2008 – As Frank and Stephanie each casually strolled through the Pheasant Lane Mall, Nashua, NH their eyes met in front of Hanoosh Jewelers. Sparks began to fly immediately and from there they agreed that they would grab a bite some time. And so…on Friday July 11, 2008, just 3 days later, Stephanie and Frank had dinner at the 99 Restaurant in Hooksett, NH.
They realized quickly that they really enjoyed each other’s company and soon they were inseparable – soul mates. They began to speak of their life together, and what the future would be like.
Almost 2 years would pass. Now it was July 2010. Frank was ready to ask Stephanie to be his wife …but first he went secretly to Stephanie’s parents and asked their permission.
Then Frank casually asked Stephanie what her feelings would be if he ever did propose, sometime in the distant future. He asked her would she want a big public proposal with a crowd and a microphone…or maybe something more intimate ? Stephanie told Frank that if he ever did propose she would prefer a small intimate proposal with just the two of them, and she added that if Frank ever embarrassed her with a public proposal that she would pay him back by making him miserable for the next 50 years of marriage.
Now it was July 4 and a crowd of 25 friends and family were gathered at Stephanie’s grandmother’s home for the annual barbecue. Every one of the 25 present knew that Frank was about to propose. Everyone except Stephanie that is.
Our best man Jimmy was there with his camera and Jimmy’s job was to follow Frank around until Frank proposed and then snap a picture of the proposal.
Stephanie and Frank have a Pit Bull. Her name is Daisy. Daisy is very energetic and never stays still – ever. They had brought Daisy with them and Daisy had begun to act up like the crazy pit bull that she is. Frank and Stephanie were busy chasing Daisy around the house, yelling at her and trying to catch her and make her behave. Jimmy was running behind Frank with the camera – ready for the proposal. In the middle of chasing Daisy, Frank asked Stephanie to stop chasing Daisy so he could talk to her privately in the next room. Stephanie had no idea what was coming next, so she couldn’t understand why Frank kept telling her to come with him from one room to the next and she could not understand why Jimmy was attached to Frank, while Frank was trying to steal a private moment with her.
Frank finally got Stephanie to go to the living room with him… While Frank was chasing Stephanie – Jimmy was chasing Frank and everyone there was lurking close by because they all knew that Frank was about to propose. Everyone but Stephanie. Jimmy was prepared with his camera and was trying to keep up with them so he could capture the moment. Frank got down on 1 knee. – He was soooo nervous that his words came out all jumbled and it was very difficult for Stephanie to piece together what Frank had just said. And then suddenly Stephanie realized that Frank had just said “Will you marry me” and so Stephanie cried …and said yes… and that brings to today right here…right now… [ “Cue Marry You” At 40 seconds: ]
And now, please welcome for the first time…
Mr and Mrs Frank and Stephanie Dukuette !!
Danielle and Eric – The Love story
It was September, 2004 when 16 year old Danielle look across the room in sophomore Chemistry class and spotted young Eric Poirier. At first they were just class mates, and then as the days turned into weeks they became friends and then over the months that followed sparks began to fly and they began to feel that this was not just friendship. It was becoming something much more than friendship. A year and a half had now passed and it was February of 2005 – their junior year.
They began to date and they started to talk about the future and what it would hold for them.
Years more would pass, and now they were living together, both very much in love. August 13 2009, Eric had hatched his plan to propose to Danielle. He procured a gorgeous wedding ring and had it in his pocket as he came home from work that day. Danielle was not in the kitchen so this was Eric’s chance. He opened the ring box and positioned on the edge of the kitchen sink so that anyone who even stepped foot in the kitchen could not help but notice this gorgeous ring glistening in the late afternoon sunlight.
Eric then moved to the living room and sat down as Danielle walked in and said “hey, how was your day” Eric winced and grabbed his forehead and said “I have a headache …could you do me a huge favor and get me a glass of water and two aspirin”
Danielle the dutiful girlfriend and fiancée said “yup I’ll be right back”. Danielle scurried to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard.
As she poured the water into the glass, there was the ring sitting right there in plain view. But Danielle was on a mission to help her man.
She had mission focus … and so she grabbed the aspirin and the water and went back to Eric with his fake headache, sitting on the couch.
As Danielle handed the water and aspirin to Eric, Eric began to laugh. Danielle asked what was so funny. Eric shook his head and said “nothing”.
Danielle knew that something was happening but she did not know what. So, trying to figure out what she had missed, she retraced her steps back to the kitchen, to see if she had somehow not noticed whatever Eric was laughing about.
Just then, Eric heard a bloodcurdling scream come from the kitchen. He got up and walked in to the kitchen to find Danielle, holding the ring, crying tears of joy. Eric walked over to Danielle and gave her a hug and a kiss… A few tender, loving moments passed as they stood there locked in a romantic embrace… and then Danielle said “are you going to ask me …? Eric Replied “I didn’t think I had to”
Danielle describes that day as the best day of her life ! … and Eric says “Nobody but Danielle could possibly have missed that ring sitting there J
And that brings us to today right here tight now
Please welcome Mr and Mrs Eric Poirier
Jason and Melissa – The Love story
The date was May 31, 2003, and 16 year old Melissa had invited some friends over for a casual get together . Jason Heald had been invited by one of these friends, whose name was Christina but Melissa had never met Jason. The day came and went with nothing really remarkable happening. No romance no sparks.
After that day thought, young Melissa and Jason began to see more and more of each other, and they spent lots of time together hanging out, doing things that teenagers do. Two months would pass and then in July Jason told Melissa’s friend, Lauren that he liked Melissa … a lot, and then he waited for a reaction. Jason thought that Melissa would hear that he liked her and then she would respond in some meaningful way. But no. No reaction. And so, Jason took matters into his own hands and asked Melissa if she would go out with him.
Their first date was August 7, that year, and one week later Jason left for Maine for his family’s annual summer trip. Now Jason was in Maine and he missed his new girlfriend of one week – Melissa.
His heart ached for her… so much he decided to ask Melissa’s parents if they would allow her to come to Maine for a visit. He called them and he asked…and they said… NO.
They did not know exactly who Jason was, so they declined to have their daughter go to Maine with a strange boy.
So then, Jason, using all of his resources, asked Melissa’s aunt Silvia for help. Melissa’s aunt Sylvia knew Jason because aunt Sylvia worked at the same bank where Jason’s mom worked. And so Aunt Silvia vouched for Jason’s good character and pure intentions and then Melissa’s parents gave their okay.
And so, one week after they had started dating, at age 16, there they were, together, in Maine.
Jason, tells people that he has suffered multiple injuries due to his time spent with Melissa . Jason has suffered, a dislocated pinky, a ripped open finger, an enormous toe splinter, and the worst injury of them all – a head trauma from a WII baseball game, when Melissa was so intent on hitting her virtual home run that she swung the remote and clocked Jason in the head and knocked him temporarily unconscious.
Now more than 5 years had passed. It was Christmas Eve 2008, Melissa and Jason were at Melissa’s cousin Keith’s house, where every year a large group gathers to celebrate Christmas. This includes someone being dressed as Santa and giving out all the gifts.
For this year, Christmas 2008, Jason asked if he could be Santa Clause. This would allow him to secretly plan his proposal. And so, a large crowd was gathered at Cousin Keith’s and each of them, in order, now approached Jason, who was dressed as Santa Clause, and Jason gave each of them a santa clause Ho Ho Ho and their Christmas gift. Jason had a secret plan ready…he would use his Santa bag to hide the engagement ring and then pull it out and propose at the perfect time.
So now all the presents had been given out. Jason, did a few ho ho hos and looked into his seemingly empty Santa bag, and then he said there was one more gift. He said it was a gift for Melissa and he asked her to come back up to get her 2nd present of the evening. Melissa was confused as to why she would be singled out and call up twice. As she approached Jason to see why she was being given a second present she noticed that everyone in the room suddenly began to grab their cameras and to aim them at Jason. Suddenly Jason dropped to his knees and revealed the open ring box. Every camera in the room flashed as Melissa cried and said yes to Jason’s romantic Christmas Eve proposal J
And that brings to this moment right here, right now.
Please welcome Mr and Mrs Jason and Melissa Heald.
Brad & Linda – The Love story
It was New Year’s Eve 2006 when Brad Chagnon and his gaggle of friends walked into the Brewery exchange in Lowell, Massachusetts to bring in year 2007 together. Brad had no idea he was about to meet his soul mate and …the love of his life.
Linda was there with her friends and everyone was just hanging around sipping drinks and listening to music when Brad noticed A Drop dead gorgeous girl talking with his good friend Matt Dillon. Brad was so taken by Linda’s beauty that he walked over and positioned himself so that Matt had to introduce him to Linda. And so, sparks began to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was begun. Linda and Brad hit it off perfectly, and so, Brad asked Linda if he could take her to dinner. They agreed that January 3rd, just 3 days later they would have dinner at Le Bec Rouge at Hampton Beach, NH.
Brad had been best friends with Mike Hebert, our best man tonight, for many years, and Brad and Mike were roommates. They knew everything there was to know about each other. Brad had excitedly told Mike how he was having dinner with this new bombshell, Linda. Then, During that same day January 3, 2007, Brad had volunteered to drive Mike’s mom, Doreen, from Hudson to Lowell. As Brad and Mikes Mom Doreen drove toward Lowell, they chatted harmlessly about this and that …Then Brad harmlessly mentioned that he had a date that very evening …Doreen asked who the lucky girl was and where she was from. Brad replied that her name was Linda, and she was so beautiful… and that she was from Kensington, NH. Doreen said MY my my , what a small world. My Brother Ken lives in Kensington, NH. Then Brad said “That’s funny, Linda’s father’s name is Ken”…and then they suddenly realized that even though Brad had known Doreen since he was 10 years old, he was now finding out for the first time, that Doreen’s Brother, Ken, is the father of the girl he would be dating that night Doreen’s niece, and Mike’s cousin, Linda.
Brad now says that all of the common ground that Ken and he already shared over the years made them instant friends and gave them lots of stuff to talk about. And so the famous Lec Rouge dinner happened and Brad and Linda were an instant couple. Months turned into years as their love continued to grow. Then brad decided it was time to propose to Linda. He asked Linda to vacation with him in Cancun Mexico. It was new years day 2008, there in Mexico, when Brad asked Linda to go to a beautiful private park in Cancun. There, they stood on the beach at furthest point east in all of Mexico. And so with the sun shining and the waves crashing on the rocks, Brad knelt and opened a ring box to show a very surprised and excited Linda her engagement ring.
Linda and Brad bought their dream home in Lowell, Massachusetts in December of 2009 and then started to plan tonight’s celebration… …and that brings to today right here right now …
Please welcome with your love, and a lot of noise Mr. & Mrs. Brad & Linda Chagnon
The Love story of Karrie and Joe
The year was 1987…and in the Shawsheen tech, High School Gym, Joe was a Freshman on the Shawsheen tech basketball team and Karrie, a junior, was a cheerleader for Joe’s team. They slowly became casual friends and hung out for years. Graduation came and went and over time they drifted apart Years would pass and then…magically one day on 2002 Joe Mason pulled into a gas station in Nashua NH. As he pumped his gas he noticed an attractive woman who was also pumping gas,… but her back was turned, so joe was checking her out from behind when she suddenly turned to face him, and there was Karrie. Sparks flew immediately as they pledged to get back in touch. They decided to get together and talk over old times …and so they stayed in touch from then on.
5 years would pass as they grew closer and spent more and more time together. September 26, 2009, They travelled to a bed and breakfast in Vermont. They had stayed there one year earlier and it was there that Joe had asked Karrie to officially be his girlfriend. This time, one year later, on their return trip, Joe had much bigger plans. Joe asked Karrie to go for a walk to a nearby pond. When they arrived at the pond Joe asked Karrie to join him, sitting on a large rock that over looked the pond. It was sunset now, and the pond and the mountains in the distance provided a breathtaking back drop for what was to come next.
Joe told Karrie that he had always loved her, all the way back to 22 years ago in high school. Joe continued and told Karrie that he had saved every note Karrie ever wrote to him… Then, on bended knee, Joe asked Karrie to spend the rest of her life with him. Through tears of joe, Karrie said yes …and that brings us to today, right here – right now. Please welcome a couple that was destined to be together for all time from the very first time Karrie cheered for Joe 23 years ago…
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mason
The Love story of Kevin and Kristy
The year was 1993…and Kevin and Kristy, strangers to one another , were both students at the university of Maine and Stoddard hall was the COED dorm where they both lived.
One night there was a disco party in one of the dorm rooms and they both attended. Kristy was nursing a 40 ounce Colt 45 crazy horse malt liquor . As the party progressed Kevin realized that it was his duty to protect this attractive, unknown freshman coed, with an almost empty 40 ounce liquor bottle. The party eventually ended and Kevin,… ever the gentleman, walked Kristy down the hall and deposited her safely in her room.
In the weeks that followed, Cruising around campus, Kristy noticed that her handsome young protector, that had saved her from the wolves, drove a shiny black firebird, with a vanity plate that read LED ZPN, which is short for Led Zeppelin, the legendary rock and roll band.
This meant that Kevin was Ultra cool.
If you saw that shiny firebird just 2 years later in 1995 you would see in the front license plate holder a custom license plate that read
“Kevin & Kristy”.
3 years later, In March 1998 they were living together in Nashua NH and Kristy was an avid collector of Beanie babies with a collection numbering in the hundreds. One magical day, Kevin placed an octopus beanie baby on the first floor banister and a Camel Beanie baby on the bed upstairs. Kristy spotted the Octopus beanie baby and began to thank Kevin for his kindness. Kevin told Kristy to go upstairs and see what else she could find.
There on the bed was the camel beanie baby and she picked it up she gasped as she noticed the diamond engagement ring attached to the tail of the Camel. //
So they Moved to Arizona, and tried to plan a wedding, to take place, back in Maine. The details of planning the wedding celebration overwhelmed them, and suddenly they decided to scrap the idea of the big wedding and simply head to Las Vegas. So they eloped. They flew to Vegas with chief as their combination man of honor , witness, and best man. At the hotel, circus circus, in the chapel of the fountain on June 18, 1999 they were pronounced husband and wife.
Fast forward 10 years, one house, one cruise, and 2 kids later…that brings to right here right now…show your love and let’s really make some noise now…for the all new and improved…
Mr and Mrs Kevin and Kristy Rioux
The Love story of Sam and Tom
It was 2005, and young Samantha Porter had just started her first year of college and needed a part time job. Her soon-to-be brother-in-law, Jon Andrews, was a dispatcher at Armstrong Ambulance, and Jon helped get Sam a job as a chair car driver. Jon thought Sam was something special and had already been talking about Sam to his co-worker, A handsome young team member named Tom Tremblay.
On Sam’s first day at Armstrong Ambulance Sam sat waiting for her trainer to start her new career at Armstrong. As luck would have it Tom Tremblay had been assigned to train the new Ambulance recruit – Samantha Porter.
Tom had a reputation for being all business, no fooling around… and on this particular day Tom had not had a good start to his day, so he was not in a good mood. Here came angry Tom to train his new recruit. Tom burst open the door to the waiting area and into the crowded room he barked “Sam? Where’s Sam?” A nervous Sam stood up, so that her new trainer could identify her. Tom gave Sam a quick look up and down and barked “Let’s go!” in his gruff, angry voice and walked out of the room. Sam followed timidly and began to learn her new career from her new trainer.
Over the next few weeks, Tom trained Sam on the road. As Sam continued to make small talk she began to see behind the great wall that surrounded Tom, and Sam began to get her first glimpse of the big teddy bear hiding inside. Tom’s training of Sam came to an end and they began to see less of each other. But something magical had happened. A connection had been made and sparks had begun to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration had already been laid. Tom upgraded to working as an EMT and was promoted once again and now, Tom was a dispatcher.
Tom remembered Sam fondly from their training sessions together and so because it was Tom’s discretion as to who got what job and which call, Tom always made sure that the most popular runs and the most popular calls always went to is favorite – Sam. As the months passed, Sam’s new group of friends at Armstrong decided it would be a great idea to set this affection between Tom and Sam on the fast track. Sam had told her friend Amanda how great she thought Tom was. Amanda was friends with Johnny, and Johnny was friends with Tom. And so Sam’s words of affection and praise made it straight to Tom. Tom’s Mom had taught him that a gentleman always brings a lady flowers on their first date. Tom got his courage up, asked Sam to go to the movies and then arrived at the movie theater early – with 1 dozen red roses in hand. When tom saw Sam’s car arrive, he panicked, wondering what Sam would think if he handed her flowers. And so with precious seconds to spare, Tom quickly tossed the roses into a nearby bush and then went over to greet Sam.
As the months wore on they saw each other more and more and Tom eventually did give Sam a dozen roses – many dates later.
Now 6 years had passed and it was summer, 2011 and Tom and Sam were hopelessly in love – soul mates. But Sam suddenly began to wonder if Tom was as crazy for her as she was for him. Did he love her ? Would he ever propose to
her ? Sam began to wonder if she wanted to wait 15 years for Tom to propose. Tom had actually said that he wanted to be with a woman for 15 years before he would ever consider getting married.
But also, at the same time, unbeknownst to Sam, Tom had his master plan working to win Samantha as his beloved wife. On their 4th official anniversary Tom asked Sam to go on a visit to see his friend Tony. Sam wondered why she had never met this friend named Tony, but she agreed to go and see him because this was their anniversary and Sam was happy to be with Tom, no matter where they were going.
Tom drove to a large parking lot and there was a huge hot air balloon along with the balloon’s owner and operator – Tony.
Romantic Tom had arranged for a Hot Air balloon ride for his anniversary with Sam ! Tom and Sam got into the balloon’s gondola and as they soared ever higher, Tom asked Sam to turn and look over the edge of the basket, down onto the earth below. As Sam looked over the edge and down at the world, There unfurled on the ground was an enormous banner that read “Will you marry me?”
As Sam turned back to give Tom her answer, Tom had dropped to his knees and was holding an engagement ring. Tom said – and I quote…, “Sam, I’ve been waiting forever to find the perfect moment to do this. Finally, I realized any moment is perfect because it’s you. Will you marry me?” Through her tears of joy Sam yelled yes, and they kissed and hugged as their magical balloon flew over the tree tops of Southern New Hampshire.
And THAT brings us to today, right here, right now, where all of you have been invited to witness the greatest expression of love, the marriage of these two people. Tom and Sam would like to thank all of you for coming and hope you have a great time! Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tremblay
Luke and Breann’s Love story
It was march of 2006 and young Breann Plamowski worked behind the concession stand at the north shore Music Theater . Soon, she was introduced by a coworker, Emily to another handsome coworker who also worked behind the counter, doing concessions there at the north shore Music Theater – His name was Luke Bassett . Breann and Luke looked each other up and down exchanged some small talk and that was that.
Weeks would pass as Breann and Luke would have their chit chats and get to know each other better each day. Breann told Luke she was a student at Salem state and Luke replied saying what a small world it was – as he was about to enroll at Salem state too. Six months would pass, and Then, on September 27, 2006 Luke asked Breann if she wanted to go to the Topsfield Fair. Breann said yes, and so there they were at the Topsfield fair. They had a lot of fun, that day, and it was then, that sparks began to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was laid.
From that point on Breann and Luke began to see much more of each other, and soon they were inseparable.
They grew closer and closer…then they fell in love. And then…they became soul mates.
Three years would pass and then In 2009, they went to Disney together and experienced the magic and romance of Disney which brought them even closer together. Soon 4 years had passed since they met.
It was now September 5, 2010, and Luke Took Breann to North Conway, NH. There, they went to Wild Cat mountain and took the chairlift all the way to the top and hopped off at the summit. It was a perfect day, with a bright blue sky, and the sun shining brightly.
There on the Summit of Wildcat mountain, Luke dropped to his knees, extended his hand with a gorgeous ring box, propped open to show Breann her engagement ring.
And there , on bended knee Luke said “Breann, will you marry me ?” Breann took a deep breath, and then, through her tears of Joy Breann said yes !
And that brings to today, right here right now …Please welcome The Newlyweds: Luke and Breann Bassett
Craig and Kelly’s Love story
The year was 2008 and it was Spring time. Kelly was a Sophomore at University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth and Craig was in his Junior Year at Mass Maritime Academy. Although Kelly and Craig had never met and lived in two separate worlds, they did happen to have just one friend in common. It was now time for the prestigious Mass maritime “ring dance” This is a famous Black tie event where the Junior class members of Mass Maritime are awarded their coveted Mass Maritime Ring…and Craig needed a date to the ring dance. Their one mutual friend in he world suggested to Craig that he meet Kelly and take her to the dance. And so it happened…
The summer of 2008 flew by with group gatherings on Cape Cod and in Hanover, MA which are Kelly and Craig’s home towns… and soon the two departed to go back to college. Craig would be beginning his senior year at MMA and Kelly her junior at UMass Dartmouth. What had started as a friendship, was now growing into a heartfelt romance and early in the fall of 2008 the two became a couple.
Two years of college went by. These two years would include Kelly venturing to Italy for a semester and Craig being elevated to Company Commander at Mass Maritime. Kelly and Craig supported each other and grew closer and more in love right up and through graduation.
For job opportunities and a love for the area, the two moved to Kittery, Maine in the summer of 2009 and have since been living together on the seacoast.
On December 6th 2009, Craig and Kelly were decorating their apartment for their first Christmas together. Craig told Kelly to take a seat, that he’d be right back because he had something that would make their first Christmas a little extra special…
Craig returned and then, with a twinkle in his eye, he dropped to his knees, He extended is left hand forward, and from his finger, there dangled a Christmas ornament. Now this was no ordinary ornament. This ornament had been hand made by Craig. It was a yellow ornament on top of which Craig had drawn letters with glue, He had then sprinkled Silver glitter to reveal the words “Will you Marry me? “
As Kelly nearly passed out from the excitement Craig then extend his right hand and in this hand was a tiny black box that was opened to display an engagement ring. Through tears of Joy Kelly said yes…
(cue sweet child of Mine ) And that brings us to today, right here…right now…( let sweet child of mine get to :56 and then intro them ) And now, ..please show your love and make some noise for New England’s newest Married Couple
Mr and Mrs Craig and Kelly Alfis
Maggie and Mike
Curtis announces Maggie and Mike to the dance floor, and they will proceed to the edge of the dance floor to begin their dance. Curtis will start the song. As they are walking back out to the center to formally start the dance, Curtis will announce that the song is from Finding Nemo.
[ So I will wait till you are at the edge of the dance floor and maybe start the song as soon as you are at the edge, and then talk over it as you walk to the center ? Are you sure you will know when to come in, no matter what ? ]
In the fall of year 2000, both Maggie and mike were students at Bentley College. Maggie’s friend Caity began dating Mike’s friend Brian. Caity and Brian will be getting married this coming September. The first time Maggie and Mike met was because Caity wanted to go see Brian one Saturday night and dragged Maggie along. Mike was hanging out with Brian and some other lads who are here tonight – Scott, Pat, and Jon. Mike and Maggie were casually introduced and the sparks began to fly.
They had many friends in common and were often at the same parties. They were friendly with each other, but never really friends. They even lived across the hall from each other during their junior year and hung out a few times with Maggie’s roommate who is also tonight’s maid of honor Brooke.
Then came senior year at Bentley. On a Boston Harbor cruise in October that year, Mike asked Maggie on a date. After asking Maggie out, Mike got nervous and forgot her name, which made Maggie think he wasn’t really interested
Then came their date at Macaroni Grill in Burlington. It was white Russians, dinner and back to Mike’s place to watch Finding Nemo, a comical sea adventure movie.
Maggie’s roommate ( our maid of honor ) Brooke was upset at Mike for keeping Maggie out so late. To this day, we’re still not sure if she’s forgiven him “Brooke… have you forgiven Mike for keeping Maggie out so late watching Finding Nemo ?”
They were vacationing in the Bahamas in 2004 the first time it really hit them both that they were indeed in love.
In 2006, 6 years had passed since they first met. It was time. They bought their condo in Ashland and got their black lab Izzy and shortly after that their two cats Bug and Possum. In May 2007, Mike proposed. And as they began their planning they decided because they were near water when they realized their love for each other, they would be near water on their wedding day. Which brings us to today. Maggie has fond memories of playing here at Harkness, in the gardens near the mansion as a child, and Maggie and Mike wanted to try and find a place that was different than most to celebrate their wedding day with you the people they love – their friends and family.
And so, Could you all please welcome the all new Mr. and Mrs. Michael Margossian And now here they are for their first dance as husband and wife. This song is from the sound track of the movie finding nemo …and it is called “Beyond the sea”
Courtney and Rob
It was September 15, 2007, and Rob and a friend, who knew Courtney, stopped by her home, for a quick hello. It was a random, and casual encounter and Rob and Courtney, meeting for the first time, exchanged hellos, looked each other up and down and then exchanged a few harmless sentences of small talk. For Rob, it was love at first site and he could not find a way to say goodbye to Courtney, so there they sat on Courtney’s porch. The hours flew by and finally when Rob said he should probably go and let her get some sleep it was 6:00 in the morning.
Rob asked when he could come back and talk to Courtney some more. Courtney smiled and said any time. And so the next day at 8:00 am Rob showed up and spent all day till 3:30 with Courtney and then he left for his job that started at 4:00.
From then on every day Rob would show up at Courtney’s house at 8:00 am and stay till 3:30 pm when he would race to work. Rob’s job was 4:00 till midnight… so… Rob went to Courtney’s house at 8:00 in the morning , then he worked from 4:00 – midnight… and then he slept…and then back to Courtney’s.
8 Months would pass. In April 2008 they decided to move their relationship to the next level and they moved into an apartment in Lowell, MA. On October 20 of that very same year, 2008, their Daughter Jamie Lynne was born.
Now it was December 31 of that same year, 2008, and Rob and Courtney had been invited to spend N Y E with Rob’s aunt Louise. Courtney had broken her ankle and was propped long ways on the couch, with pillows under her broken foot. As the ball was dropping on the TV and the final seconds of 2008 were ticking away, Rob leaned over the couch and said “Courtney will you marry me” Courtney, stared into Robs eyes for several seconds as people on the TV were yelling happy new year to each other and lovers all over the world were kissing each other. Then Courtney spoke. She replied “Yes, I will marry you…with conditions…”
Rob was dumbfounded. With his eyes as big as half dollars Rob said “what are the conditions ?”
Courtney replied “You have to promise to love me with all your heart forever”
Rob’s eyes began to well with tears as he softly replied “always”
And so they kissed …and began to plan for tonight’s celebration !
On January 20, 2011, Adam was born completing Courtney and Rob’s beautiful family.
And that brings us to today right here right now.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Driscoll
Claudia and Tom
16 year old Claudia worked at Shaws grocery store. The year was 2000. One day her friend Vinny ( Vinny is one of our groomsmen tonight ) Vinny stopped by with his friend Tom Kane. Vinny and Claudia chatted for a few moments and Claudia and Tom eyeballed each other and nodded…but alas no fireworks, no sparks, no electricity…and so they each went on their way, with neither one of them knowing that their worlds would soon collide.
Fast forward 4 years to 2004. Claudia was now a freshman at Umass Dartmouth. One day she was invited to a friend’s birthday dinner. As fate would have it she shared the back seat of Seth’s car with none other than Tom Kane. … ( Seth is one of our groomsmen tonight ) As Seth drove toward the Olive Garden Tom and Claudia made small talk in the back seat, discussing what a coincidence it was that they had met all those years ago…and then… an even bigger coincidence – Tom was a student at U Mass Dartmouth – same as Claudia !! What a small world. In the weeks and months that followed Tom and Claudia found each other on campus and they became… inseparable. They had lunch together almost every day. Then, came their first official date at Vinnie Testa’s restaurant in November of 2004. In the months that followed that date, they began to realize that they were now in love – soul mates.
4 more years would pass. In March 2008, they took their relationship to a new level when they bought their new home. Two years would pass and then came Saturday June 12th 2010. Claudia had worked her job as a Micro Biologist at Newton Wellesley Hospital and was now on her way home. Claudia was to pick up Tom and then they would both go to Claudia’s parent’s house. When Claudia got to her home, she pulled up out front and called Tom on her cell phone to tell him to come running out and jump in the car so that they could leave …Tom Answered his phone and said in a stressed voice that the trip would have to wait. The upstairs toilet was leaking and he needed her help to fix the leak. [ Cue (“These are the Moments”] When Claudia opened the front door to her home she began to hear her favorite song playing. It’s called “These are the Moments”, she noticed a path of rose petals, and an array of candles and notes positioned along the stairs. The notes were written on heart shaped pieces of paper saying quote “I love your smile”, “I love your eyes”, “I love your laugh”, Claudia followed the path of candles rose petals and notes to the top the stairs…At the bedroom door there were a dozen pink roses (Her favorite color rose) and a note saying “I love you!”. Claudia walked into the bedroom and Tom was on bended knee. He looked up at Claudia and said “will you marry me ? Claudia’s heart raced and her eyes filled with tears of joy…After a few moments Tom said… “Well” ? And Claudia replied
“Of course!!” Claudia now refers to that day by saying quote: “It was amazing! I couldn’t have dreamed of anything better!” [ Cue Welcome to the Jungle ) ]
And that brings to today right here right now…Please welcome
Mr and Mrs Thomas and Claudia Kane
Jordan and Michelle
It was September 8, 2002, 17 year old Jordan was sitting on the front steps of his family home, waiting for his friend Nick to arrive. At the same time, 16 year old Michelle and her wild friend Annessa were driving around town on Michelle’s learner’s permit, with no particular purpose, when suddenly Annessa spotted Nick walking along the side of the road. Annessa screamed “pull over” …and so Michelle did …and soon Michelle, Annessa and Nick pulled into Jordan’s driveway, with Michelle not knowing that the foundation for tonight’s celebration was about to be laid.
Michelle only knew Annessa but Annessa already knew Nick and Jordan, so Michelle was introduced to Jordan and immediately sparks began to fly. For Jordan it was love at first sight. For Michelle …not so much.
But then as Jordan persisted and asked to see her again and again, their romance was set in motion …they soon began to date and then October 31, 2002, just 53 days later, Jordan asked Michelle to officially be his girl.
5 years, 3 Chihuahuas, plus their 3 litters totaling 20 puppies , one snake, 3 turtles and a an abundance of fish later…it was time to take this very full relationship to the next level. Now it was January, 21 2008, 6 years had passed, and it was now the day after Michelle’s 22nd birthday. Michelle was preparing dinner as usual when Jordan asked Michelle to close her eyes. He then slipped the ring onto her finger and asked Michelle to spend the rest of her life with him. As Jordan was making his intentions known, Michelle’s grandmother “Nan” was there in the kitchen, observing his romantic request.
( cue o fortuna ) And before Michelle could answer… Nan, who is never shy with her opinions and comments, looked at the ring and said to Jordan – Quote: “Is that real?” Michelle took Nan’s query in stride, looked deep into Jordan’s eyes and said yes … And that brings us to today right here right now. ( one minute of delayed intro)
And now please welcome for the first time as husband and wife, the all newMr. & Mrs. Jordan Cammarata
Jason and Jeannelle
It was April 2005 and Jason Hastie was a cell phone sales man at the Sprint store in the Burlington Mall. Jeannelle worked as a hostess at the Rainforest café which was located directly across the cell phone store.
There was no rest room at the cell phone store… so whenever Jason needed to use a rest room he would cruise and be bop on over, across the way, to the rain forest café, smile at the smoking hot hostess, Jeannelle, and then use the rest room and go back to work.
As time went by, Jason was attracted more and more to the gorgeous hostess – Jeannelle. Jason began to use the rest room more and more frequently just so he would have an excuse to walk past Jeannelle and say hello to her.
Many Weeks would pass then one day he actually he wanted to engage her in conversation and when he got his chance he said quote: “You know, the Green in your shirt really brings out the color in your eyes”.
And so from that lovely compliment, Jason rebounded and asked Jeannelle to have dinner with him at Macaroni Grill. From that date, Five years would pass, as they grew closer and closer together and their love finally arrived at the highest plateau of all – they were now soul mates. Saturday, July 31, 2010, Jason’s car broke down driving home from a weekend of mischief and Skullduggery with friends on the cape.
While dropping Jason off to get his car repaired The door of Jeanelle’s car was smashed off by the tow truck driver.
After this miserable day of car malfunctions and mishaps Jason and Jeannelle woke up on Sunday August 1, 2010, happy to be done with all the car troubles of the day before. Jeannelle gave Jason a kiss, and went next door to feed their neighbor’s cat… A soon as the door closed, Jason sprang into action, preparing for his marriage proposal as soon as Jeannelle returned from feeding the cat. Jeannelle returned to find Jason on one knee with the opened ring box in his out stretched hand.
And right then and there Jason and Jeannelle made history and laid the cornerstone for tonight’s celebration. And now…Please show them that you love them by clapping your hands and stamping your feet, and yelling as loud as you can for the all new Mr and Mrs Jason and Jeannelle Hastie
Allison and Matt
It was September, 2003 and Allison and Matt prepared to start their sophomore year at Colby Sawyer College in New London, NH. Allie was an exercise science major and Matt majored in business administration. They noticed each other in some of the classes they shared. Time would pass and soon, they arranged to get together and watch a movie. And so on a romantic night in November, 2003 they watched a movie together at Allie’s dorm.
It was then and there that sparks began to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was begun.
Every year since then, they have hiked Mount Monadnock – This hike has become a tradition for Allison and Matthew. Allie loves being at the top of the mountain.
As the next 5 years passed they became closer to each other and over time they fell in love …and then…became soul mates.
Matt decided that after 5 years it was time to make his intentions of marriage known. He 1st asked Allie’s dad, John for her hand in marriage. John said yes
Now he had to come up with a way to propose. he decided that the top of mount Monadnock, Allies favorite place, would be the perfect place.
September 28, 2008 was the date they chose for their yearly hike up Mount Monadnock. So off they went…Matt packed the backpack and hid the ring inside. Now, usually when they climb Monadnock, they take turns carrying the back pack…but on this day Allie was so impressed and so grateful that Matt continued to tell her he was all set and he would carry the back pack. They reached the summit – the location of Matt’s intended proposal. Then, it began to pour rain. Allie said she did not care that it was raining. She loved being on top of the mountain so much nothing could ruin it for her. While Allison was sitting on a rock enjoying the view – Matt took the ring out of the backpack, taking in the breathtaking view, when Matt knelt beside her. He displayed the ring to her and asked Allison to be his wife. Allie was so surprised – she looked at Matt and said “Do you even need an answer” and then she said … Yes… I will marry you! And that brings us to today, right here right now…
please welcome Mr and Mrs Matthew and Allison Pallotta !!
Jamie and Sara
And now…a trans-Atlantic Love Affair
The year was 2003 and Sara, as part of a student exchange program at Keen State College, decided to do a semester abroad at Oxford Brookes University in England. She landed in England September 20, 2003, took the bus to Oxford, and nestled in at her dorm – Warneford Hall.
It was Fresher’s Week (or Freshmen week as we say here in the states). The first week is an introduction to the school with a different themed party every night. This night, the entire dorm was going out for a welcome drink, and this is where Jamie and Sara first met.
It turned out that Jamie lived on the ground floor of Warneford Hall and Sara lived just above, on the middle floor.
Soon it was November, and Sara and Jamie had been dating for almost a month when the movie Love Actually was released to theatres. Love Actually is about falling in love and the Hello’s and goodbyes at London’s Heathrow Airport. Jamie and Sara would soon experience many hello’s and goodbyes at Heathrow, so this movie has a special place in each of their hearts.
Now it was December and Sara’s exchange program was over, and so it was time for a heart wrenching goodbye at Heathrow. As they clung to one another and kissed good bye, Sara wondered when would she see the love of her life again. A few short days later the agony of separation from the woman he loved overcame Jamie and he sped across the Atlantic to be with his beloved Sara. He arrived in time for a magical surprise and a wonderful and romantic new year’s eve. Next, Jamie arranged to study, on exchange, at Keene State, where Sara was still a student. And so, from August 2004 till May 2005 Jamie stayed with Sara, during her last year at Keene.
Wednesday night at Keene State was their date night because their favourite Mexican restaurant, called Margaritas, did a buy one get one free for college students. Jamie and Sara always shared the Chicken Lime Cilantro Dish which is what inspired the chicken dish we have on the menu here tonight.
After Sara’s Graduation in May, 2005 Jamie and Sara flew to Las Vegas and learned to play Texas Hold’em poker which they both still enjoy to this date. They will return to Vegas next week for five magical nights and will be staying at the Monte Carlo Casino. The last night of their honeymoon will be New Years Eve on the Las Vegas Strip. With Graduation and Las Vegas in the rear view mirror Sara moved to Oxford England while Jamie was in his last year at Oxford Brookes. The city of Oxford will always be special to our newlyweds as this is where they met, they dated, they fell in love and got engaged. Shotover Park is a park in Oxford that over looks the city. It was here at Shotover park where Jamie proposed to his beloved Sara.
On that special night Sara arrived home from work to find a mysterious note from Jamie telling her to take his car and meet him at Shotover park. The cryptic note said that when she got to the park she was to take the flash light from the glove box and use it to find her way from the parking area down the path to the park. Now, Jamie had arrived at the park hours earlier to set up his surprise marriage proposal.
Jamie meticulously prepared a vast array of fireworks that were to fire in sequence, creating a timed aerial, romantic spectacle to act as the backdrop for his proposal. He carefully prepared the fuses so that everything would fire just so. Then, he laid a heart shaped floor mat on which to kneel and profess his love.
The plan was to secretly wait for Sara to arrive, then run back and light the fuses to the fireworks, then strut to the heart shaped mat and be ready to kneel and propose…with the fireworks, creating the perfect backdrop.
However, when Sara arrived, she headed down the path and was almost upon Jamie. Jamie had lit the fuse, and it would have timed perfectly…but the fuse would not light. Like a maniac he continued to try and light the fuse…and then, in desperation he decided to try lighting the fuse closer to the fireworks. This made the fireworks begin to explode almost immediately – too soon in fact. There was no time to run to the mat and get into position. The plan was coming apart. Jamie rushed to Sara, got down on one knee, on his heart shaped mat and gasping for breath, asked Sara to marry him.
As Sara’s mind raced, and her eyes widened, she thought for a moment, and said “Are you sure?” Jamie laughed and then, ever so romantically said… “yes.” Now Jamie and Sara make their home in Bournemouth, along with their cats Snuggles and Spice. Bournemouth is a sea side village in the South of England, nestled along side the English Channel. As we greet our new bride and groom, you will see them dance their first dance as husband and wife, with a song performed by Uncle James. Listen carefully at the beginning as Sara and Jamie speak a secretly recorded message to one another, not heard by the other till today, during their upcoming dance.
cue get it started edit
And now get ready to show your love by making a lot of noise for a romantic couple whose unstoppable Trans-Atlantic love affair spanned 6 years, two colleges two countries, and multiple Trans-Atlantic flights.
The all new Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Taylor.
Melissa and Matt
The year was 2005. Matt’s cousin Nicole knew that both Matt and Melissa were single and she wanted them to meet, so she told Matt to stop by Starbucks where Melissa worked in 2005. But Matt showed up multiple times, and each time, Melissa was not there. One time Matt stopped by on his Harley, and it happened to be closing time. Matt spotted Melissa leaving with her coworkers, so he decided not to interfere. He would come back another time. When Melissa saw him arrive and then depart so quickly she thought this might mean that he was not interested. So, right there it was almost all over.
Around that same time, Nicole’s current husband John was having a house party. Nicole told Melissa to go. Melissa never usually went to house parties because she was too shy, but she really wanted to meet Matt. On August 27, 2009 Melissa and Matt met for the very first time. Melissa will never forget how excited Matt was to go to church with her and how he asked her permission to hold her hand that night. One month later, exactly 4 years ago today, September 26th, 2005 they officially started dating. In November of 2007 Matt called Melissa’s father, Ed to ask his permission to marry his daughter. Ed ‘s one condition, was that matt Quote “take care of my little girl”. A few days later, on December 2nd, 2007 Matt flew to Nantucket with Melissa and her mom Ann. (Melissa did not know that Matt and her mother were scheming a marriage proposal). While they were there, Melissa’s mom asked Matt and Melissa to pose for a picture in front of a cute Christmas tree. After the picture was taken, Melissa began walking away, but Matt grabbed her arm and said to her mom “ARE YOU READY ANN?” Melissa looked at her mom and said, “Ready for what”? When she looked back at Matt, he was on bended knee in front of the tree and asked Melissa to be his wife while Ann took pictures of the event…And that brings us to today…
Isaac & Jennifer
It was February, 2006 and Isaac and Jen, although they had never met, had each been invited to a Birthday party at Marsha’s apartment. Jen was already there when Isaac arrived with his sister Debbie.
Later that evening the party had adjourned to a local bar, in Waltham, Massachusetts, called the Skellig.
While a typical night at a bar raged on, Isaac noticed that a skeevey man was talking to Jen, and it appeared that Jen was not enjoying the company nor the advances of the skeevey man. Isaac felt bad, as he watched the scenario unfold, but he did not know either party, so it would not be polite or proper to intervene on Jen’s behalf. Suddenly Isaac noticed that Jen was heading his way. Jen sat down and clasped Isaac’s hand in hers, and effectively created the impression that Isaac and Jen were quote together. This very quickly got rid of the skeevey man, … and now there they were…sitting together… hand in hand. About 3 minutes passed and suddenly Jen became aware that even though the skeevey man had long since departed, She and Isaac were still holding hands. It was then and there that sparks began to fly J
Fast forward to 2008, Jen was now living in Roslindale, and Isaac had moved in, back in June, 2007. In the past, when Jen lived closer, they would walk to the bridge at Hemlock Gorge. It is a beautiful and secluded foot bridge over the Charles River.
Since they were now living in Roslindale, every now and then they would go back and enjoy the scenery.
October 18 2008 they drove by the bridge on the way home from the temple. Jen suggested they stop and go to the bridge, but Isaac suggested the following Saturday… ( what Jen did not know is that there was a master plan afoot and Isaac had a reason for waiting till next week ) The following Saturday, October 25, 2008, They parked and headed for the bridge. Isaac was so in love with Jen, that when she asked him to hold hands and skip on the way to the bridge he lovingly obliged…and THIS is a rare occurrence. Isaac had the engagement ring in his pocket and was searching for the right moment to pledge his love to Jen. As they walked Jen suddenly attempted to put her arm around Isaac, but Isaac knew that she would feel the shape of the ring box, in his pocket…so, like a ninja he batted , deflected and grabbed her hand and held on to it, to the surprise and wonderment of Jen.
There they were, standing on the bridge, speaking as young people in love do…and Jen noticed that Isaac was acting a bit peculiar … Isaac then simultaneously flashed the open ring box and said “Can I ask you a question?” Now…As the legend is told Jen was speechless, and those of you that know Jen know that this is very unusual. Jen was so blind sided, so caught off guard and so happy she said to Isaac “Is this really happening?” So technically, to this day, she has never said yes to Isaac’s proposal J ( pause )
And now could you all get ready to make some noise and show your love ( cue intro ) for a couple that was destined to be together since the night they got rid of the skeevey man …the all new
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac & Jennifer Gerofsky
Amanda and John
The year was 1999 and Amanda began her career at Wal*Mart, in Tewksbury, MA. It was rather ordinary and predictable for the next 4 years until that magical day in 2003 when a handsome young man named John Scanzillo joined the Wal*Mart team as an assistant manager. John started at Wal-Mart on a sunny day in April…and on that very first day he happened to be walking through the parking lot when he spotted Amanda next to her car. John instantly noticed the deep scratches in Amanda’s silver Pontiac grand am and he curiously asked “What had happened to your car”? Amanda innocently replied that she had tried to buff out some tiny scratches, but, by accident had used too much abrasive force and had made deep circular scratches by mistake. John thought it was cute and he laughed. Amanda was mortified, but she was also quite taken with this new team member – John Scanzillo. Right then and there sparks began to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was begun. Time would pass and John and Amanda became friendly Wal-Mart team members, …and then they began to realize that they had true affection for each other. Wal*Mart has a strict No Dating policy for it’s associates…so NOW, IN June, 2003, with love in full bloom Amanda made the decision to be transferred to the Chelmsford Ma store so that now, the rule would no longer apply and She and John could be together J
For the next 5 years, From June 2003 – till November 2008, they dated and became closer and closer to one another…and fell more and more in love. Then, One romantic day in November 2008 they decided to casually go to a jewelry store and just have a look at some diamond engagement rings, in preparation for the day they would actually go ring shopping. One thing lead to another and sure enough together they made the decision to purchase a ring. As John was completing his transaction with the sales clerk the clerk asked him if he had officially proposed to Amanda and if so how had he done it. John looked at Amanda and Amanda looked at john…a few moments passed, … suddenly, John dropped to his knees and asked his beloved Amanda to marry him. Through tears of Joy Amanda replied yes…and that brings us to today…right here…right now… Please welcome for the first time the all new Mr. and Mrs. John and Amanda Scanzillo
Vicki and Joe
It was June 2004… Joe was the Hotel manager for the Hilton, Boston Back bay and Vicki was a student at curry college Vicki also worked at studio tan – a popular tanning salon. Joe’s friend owned studio Tan so Joe received complimentary tanning as part of the friendship.
One day joe walked in and there was Vicki working behind the counter. Joe was immediate struck by Vicki’s extreme beauty. Vicki , going through her normal sales schpeal said
“How’s it going Handsome” and right there the foundation for tonight’s celebration was laid.
In the weeks and months that followed Joe seemed to tan more and more…and more…3 months of playful give and take between Joe and Vicki would pass. Then came September 2004. Joe decided that a red sox game might be the perfect ticket to invite Vicki on a date…He procured Dug out seats ( which are very special ) and then Bribed Vicki into going on a date with him using the Dog-out seats as bate.
The game was scheduled for Monday, but today was only Saturday. Joe was so excited to be on a date with Vicki that he decided that he didn’t want to wait. He called Vicki and wanted to see her right there and then…But Vicki was already out for the evening, with her girlfriends. Vicki dumped her girlfriends and met joe at Studio Tan.
From there they went to Lansdowne Street and then Axis. Sparks flew and they both knew that something special was happening … Monday they went to see the red sox play. Joe bribed the usher and got a real game ball for Vicki …and …he purchased a very cool red sox hooded sweatshirt for her.
From this day on, they were inseparable.
New owners took over Studio Tan. They noticed that customer Mr Hanson was still enjoying the complimentary frequent flier status he always had. They mentioned it to Vicki and she did not like their tone. So she quit. At the same time, Joe felt that his Job at the Hilton was taking too many of his evenings away from his beloved Vicki so he quit his job too. So here they were unemployed and in love.
Then , suddenly and inexplicably…a cooling down period came over them. 3 years would pass … and then one magical day while they were both connected on facebook, Vicki casually mentioned to Joe that she was going to the redsox game that night …Joe replied back that it was indeed a bizarre coincidence…that he too was going to the game. They both went to the game but did not see each other at the game . But then, after the game for some reason they each decided to go to Lansdowne Street . Once again here they were at Lansdowne street the place of their first date. And then, As if by magic – they bumped into each other. Sparks began to fly once again. They now realized how much they had missed each other’s company and how fond they truly were of each other.
Now they were back together and back in love. Fast forward to July 17, 2010. Now 6 years had passed. Joe was ready to propose. He procured his ring, bought tickets to the RedSox and then made a special plan to surprise Vicki by proposing to her while his proposal was projected onto the JumboTron at Fenway park. This was to occur precisely at the at the bottom of the fifth inning. So now here they were at the red sox gone – 4 innings had passed. The magical moment was about to happen. Joe had one hand in his pocket on the ring – ready to produce it while he proposed. Suddenly Vicki said “I have to go to the bathroom” This meant that she would be absent when the JumboTron showed Joe’s now famous proposal. As Vicki stood up to go to the ladies room Joe screamed “no wait ! They are going to show my happy birthday wish on the JumboTron any minute, and I do not want you to miss it.” Vicki was about to burst and really needed to go to the bathroom, and she had no idea why joe had is birthday on the jumbo tron … As a matter of fact she had to go so badly, that she told Joe she was just going to have to miss his birthday wish.
Joe continued to insist that she stay for the special birthday wish.
Joe was now holding Vicki by the wrist as she struggled to wrestle herself free from his grasp and run for the ladies’ room. suddenly the magic moment arrived.
The jumbo tron read “Victoria Vitale will you marry me ?” Joe dropped to one knee and held out the engagement ring as Vicki burst into tears and cried yes . And that brings us to today right here right now
Jena and Mike
The year was 1991. Jena and Mike were both 5 years old, and both were in Mrs Murray’s Kindergarten class at the Ditson school in Billerica, Massachusetts.
One year would pass and now they were 6. And now there was trouble on the playground. They were now in first grade…and one magical day on that playground, Michael and his twin brother Matthew were severely reprimanded by their teacher when they simultaneously each kissed Jena – one on each side of her face.
Jena and Michael were friends, but nothing more than casual playmates for many years. 7 years passed and they entered middle school. Then came the end of 8th grade… which culminates with the Grad dance, which is short for Graduation Dance. At this dance, on this night 14 year old Michael had planned for weeks that he would somehow gather up the courage to ask Jena to dance. Yes, he was going to take their relationship to the next level. And so yes, they danced that night…not just once but many times, and so… sparks began to fly, and the foundation was being laid for tonight’s celebration.
They dated right up and through the 9th grade but then…suddenly, for no real reason they mutually decided to go their separate ways. This cooling down period would last for 3 long years, all the way through to the end of senior year, 2004. Now, 13 years had passed since the infamous twin kissing incident. Then, suddenly…slowly…They began to reunite… and then it was time for Mike to leave for boot camp for the United states Army.
Jena and Mike had a final conversation before Mike was about to ship off and they suddenly both discovered that they were nervous about the upcoming separation. They were fond of each other and did not want to be apart. They agreed that they would write to each other and stay in touch while Mike was away. Mike arrived home from boot camp and things remained the same. Three years would pass, and they never missed a chance to speak to each other or spend quality time here and there, as they were each maturing and each beginning to realize what was overtaking them… and who they were in love with. More and more they spent time together and found reasons to be with each other… Then, on November 5, 2008, Mike proposed to Jena at His parents’ home, and the next day, after a last minute call from the Military, Mike was off to Fort Dix in NJ for a Warrior Leadership course. Now 17 years had passed since they experienced kindergarten together. They were truly a couple now, and very much in love.
November 2009, they bought and moved into their dream house in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, where they will now grow their love… and their family. And now, in keeping with their tradition, just like the day Mike proposed, the military has intervened once again, and if you can believe it, Mike is due at the national training center in fort Irwin, Ca, immediately, after tonight’s celebration.
He will kiss he beautiful bride farewell, get no sleep, and then he will report for duty bright and early tomorrow morning. On the west coast. [ Play Slide Show ]
Callahan and Lauren
It was freezing cold on the evening of January 10, 2008 in Boston, Massachusetts, and Lauren had her friend Joanna visiting from South Africa. Joanna, and Lauren were going out to celebrate Joanna’s last night in the city. Joanna wanted to go dancing so they went to a bar in Boston that had dancing and karaoke.
The girls were on the dance floor dancing away when Cal came dancing into Lauren’s life.
After a few dances the two got talking and found out that Cal was there because his friend wanted to go dancing, and suddenly they each realized that they were each there because of their friends and they each thought that fate had stepped in to their lives.
Callahan called Lauren the next day and wanted to see her again. One week later, on January 17th, 2008 they went on their first date… first to the Museum of Science and then dinner.
When she returned home Lauren called her parents and excitedly told them about this new kind, polite, handsome boy – Callahan… Cal went home and couldn’t stop torturing his roommates, describing this beautiful angel he had met.
From that night on the two spent as much time together as they could and soon they began to realize that this was something special.
Now it was July, 2008, and Cal and Lauren finally had the same day off from their jobs. It was July 2, 2008. Cal had suggested they go to the beach for the day. As they packed up for their beach day, it began to rain…
So, They decided to go visit Cal’s parents for lunch, in hopes that the rain would pass. Then, even though it was still raining, they decided to head for the beach.
When they arrived at the beach the sun came out, almost as an omen, for what was about to happen…
They began to walk along the beach, which by the way, is the beach Lauren always went to as a small child with her family and her beloved grandfather…and Hampton is still her favorite place to walk. As they walked along the beach hand in hand Cal asked Lauren what she saw when she looked out over the ocean.
Lauren replied that she saw endless opportunities and a whole world that exists.
At that moment Cal dropped to his knees and began his proposal of marriage.
At first Lauren thought Callahan was trying to be funny, doing a make believe proposal …and then Cal continued.. he said that when he looked at Lauren he saw endless opportunities… and then … he produced a tiny black box which held their engagement ring.
Suddenly Lauren realized that this was not a cute ploy, but that Cal was actually proposing for real. At this moment Lauren was the happiest girl in the world. Through her tears of joy she said yes…and that brings us to today…right here…right now.
Please show your love and make a lot of noise for the all new Mr and Mrs.
Callahan and Lauren Marsden
Kristin and Matt
It all started with the click of a mouse. Kristin and Matt never thought their online chat would lead to Marriage, but here we are.
Matt and Kristin’s first date started out “LATE” but by the end of the date Matt said to himself she might be a keeper and Kristin said to herself hmmmm…he is cute but this will probably not go anywhere.
Over the next few months Kristin and Matt spent a lot of time together doing fun things as well as routine weekly chores. In late August Matt left for a planned trip to Greece without Kristin.
It was then that they both realized being without each other left an empty feeling inside each of them. Shortly after Matt returned from his trip to Greece Matt asked Kristin to move in and she said “YES”. Their love now blossomed as they learned more and more about each other.
They found out about each others strengths, weaknesses and quirks (the good and the bad). Over the next couple of years their dating became more serious. Then came September
10, 2008. Matt and Kristin were in Paris at the Eiffel tower. It was night time and the lights of the city created a breathtaking and romantic back drop for what was about to take place.
As they sat on a bench watching the twinkling lights of the Eiffel tower, Matt dropped to one knee and Kristin’s heart raced as she began to realize what Matt was saying. Before Matt was finished with his romantic proposal a crowd of people had quickly gathered and they gave our newly engaged couple a huge round of applause. Their ROMANTIC ADVENTURE was now in high gear. Fast forward to today, this very special day… right here right now.
In French we say “Bien Venue Monsieur et Madame Croteau… and back here in the U S A we say Please welcome
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Croteau
(Kristin & Matt)
Deanna and Steve
It was September, Labor Day Weekend, 2005. Deanna had one week to go before she would leave Massachusetts forever and move into her new apartment in South Carolina . Steve had just been laid off and was simply hanging around.
Deanna and Steve met at Mavericks Restaurant on Main St in Tewksbury, MA. There was no immediate connection between them and Deanna thought to herself “Hmph – just some unemployed guy hanging around in a bar” and also Deanna knew that she was leaving in one week, so she had closed her heart to any new relationships, anyway.
A few days later a hurricane ripped through South Carolina and destroyed the apartment that Deanna was supposed to move into – She got the call the just as she was about to leave on her long trip to start her new life. Deanna took it as an omen, a harbinger, a sign from above and decided to cancel her move. Because she was getting ready to move she had just quit her job and Steve was laid off, so what a pair they made.
One week later they happened to run into each other in a local convenient store, and Steve said “hey I thought you were moving”… Right here sparks began to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration began to be laid. Months would pass as their friendship developed – Steve knew she was special. One night Steve ran out of gas and called Deanna for help – Deanna’s heart pounded with excitement as she prepared to help steve because that meant she would get to see him.
Over the next several months their friendship slowly developed into more. One month before Christmas, 2005, Steve went over to watch the football game with Deanna and brought her many presents – including Kay-Oh-Toes, an electric blanket – because Deanna was always cold -, lamps, a travel flat Iron and… a Barbie doll.
Steve said to Deanna right from the beginning that she was special, that she was “a keeper” and that if he was lucky enough he would end up marrying her one day.
2 years had now passed and it was labor day weekend 2007. They signed papers for their 1st home together.
another 2 years would quickly pass by and in June 2009 Steve took Deanna back to Mavericks where they had first met.
Steve remembered that when they had first met, Deanna had told him “you can only date for so long… after a year – a proposal should happen.” It had now been 4 years so Steve decided it was time.
When they got there they ordered drinks and got a Keno ticket with their favorite number… 5-8-24-69… they won $300 first try.
Deanna had no idea what was coming next. Steve got down on one knee, and prepared to propose. Deanna gasped and said “Oh My God, Get Up” Steve was already nervous – so he quickly stumbled trough his proposal. Deanna replied “Oh My God, Yes, Of Course”
Deanna was bursting with joy and prepared to call a long list of friends and family to tell them that she and steve were now engaged to be husband and wife. As she reached into her purse, she discovered to her horror, that she had left the house without her cell phone. And so…in desperation, Deanna went to the bartender and gushed her happy news to him !
Christopher and Nicole
It was April 14, 2008, and young Nicole Dulong started her new career at RDK Engineers in Andover MA . Chris was already working there at RDK as an Engineer and Nicole started as an administrative assistant …Nicole had barely begun to get acclimated at RDK when her love of her family dictated that she move home with her parents and leave her condo available for her grand parents ( Nana and Bubba ) who were waiting for their new home to be built… As Nicole prepared to begin loading the empty boxes From RDK to her car she noticed that the car was parked nearly ¼ mile away in the company parking lot…
Chris Chamberland just happened to be walking by, and he noticed that great distance and innocently volunteered to help this new smoking hot administrative assistant carry her boxes all that distance to her car.
From this magical day, 9 months would pass as Nicole and Chris casually exchanged pleasantries in the hallways of RDK…and then after many months of harmless conversation, they discovered they had a mutual love – the Boston Bruins Hockey team. And so in January of 2009 Nicole and Chris went to the 99 restaurant in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, as friends, to watch the Bruins play…and they would go back a second time and third time to the 99, each time, to watch their beloved bruins play …
Chris and Nicole grew closer and closer and soon fell in love and became soul mates. Now 2 years had passed…In April of 2010 They went to the Dominican Republic for a romantic getaway.
Now as time went on Nicole’s dad began to refer to Chris as his son in law. And so Chris decided that he would now make it official and he would propose to Nicole.
On Nicole’s birthday, August 27, 2010 Chris took the ring that he had purchased all by himself, put it in his pocket, and prepared to take Nicole to Fortunado’s Restaurant in Lowell, Massachusetts. And so, there they were, in the massive parking garage in downtown Lowell. As they walked from the parking garage in downtown Lowell, on their way to Fortunatos , Chris suddenly dropped to his knees and extended the open ring box and asked Nicole to marry him …( Cue Bruins theme ) Nicole cried tears of joy and said yes …and that brings us to today, right here right now.
Please welcome Mr and Mrs Christopher and Nicole Chamberland
Jennifer and Jason
It was October 2005 and Jason Baigorria was already a sales manager at circuit city when young Jennifer Dow started her new carrier as a customer service rep, there at circuit city. They were introduced …and nothing special happened at first …Jenifer could not help noticing how cute Jason was…but of course she would never say anything …
They had harmelessly flirted at work, during the day, as the weeks wore on, but they of course had to keep up and maintain business decorum for the good of the customers …
Five months would pass and then one night in March of 2006 a bunch of the members of the circuit city staff all went clubbing in Manchester NH, and they were drinking and dancing …and it was that night, when the flirting between Jennifer and Jason suddenly rose to a new level … They continued to flirt for another 6 months, all the way till September 13, 2006, when they had their first official date when they went to the cheesecake factory, and it was on this night that the waiter dropped an entire tray of meals on the floor right beside Jennifer and Jason’s table.
Jennifer and Jason took vacations and cruises together, and as the time passed they grew closer and closer and more and more in love J
Another year would pass and now it was December, 2007. Jason was ready to propose to Jennifer. But to do his special proposal he would need the help of Froto – their cat.
Jason had begun to train Froto to open the bathroom door. To accomplish this Jason used shrimp as a reward for Froto, so each time Froto successfully managed to pry the door open, he would be rewarded with his shrimp treat, waiting on the other side of the door.
Now it was December 23, 2007. Jason and Froto were ready. They had practiced their trick and it was now show time.
Jenifer had lost her job 6 weeks ago, and it was difficult to make ends meet with the one job and she wanted so desperately to buy Jason nice things for Christmas, but due to the lack of funds it was going to have to be a lean Christmas and this was weighing heavy on Jennifer’s heart. ( Sorry Jason no $1300 Movado watch this Christmas. Jennifer had actually planned to buy one but now that was not possible ) Jason was trying to make Jennifer feel better so he told her to go take a bath and calm down.
Jason was ready with his plan. Froto was ready to do his part. They had practiced and now they both had their eyes on the prize. When Jennifer emerged from the bathroom an hour later, Froto was waiting pawing at the door, and with a little help from Jason, as the door opened … their stood froto with a red string necklace hanging around his little neck.
On the end of the string was Jennifer’s engagement ring glistening in the bathroom light .. Jennifer then noticed Jason, behind the bathroom door, like the good stage dad that he is was, holding his little shrimp reward for Froto. Jason stepped from behind the door, got down on one knee and together Jason and Froto asked Jennifer if she would marry them… Jennifer said yes, …and that brings to today, right here right now.
Jay and Andrea
It was August 9, 2006, and Jay Thomas was having just another day, working as a sales associate at Olympia Sports in Peabody, MA when his co-worker Emily wandered in to the store with her friend, Andrea. Emily and Andrea were just hanging around killing time, AND SO Emily introduced her girlfriend Andrea to her work colleague Jay. Andrea and Jay exchanged a few pleasantries and chatted for a few minutes and then the girls left and that was that. No sparks no electricity, no nothing. But then as the weeks passed Jay just could not get this new girl Andrea out of his head. He decided to search for her on the popular social website MySpace …and so he found her, and then Jay sent Andrea a message.
This was the start of an online friendship. They began to communicate casually on my space. It became a daily event and they had now become friends on Myspace and they each looked forward to their daily MySpace chats.
It was still summer so Jay invited Andrea to go to Kimball’s farm in Westford, MA and there on their first date, they played miniature golf…and had ice cream …
Andrea calls this miniature golf date the start of her 8 month trial period where Jay would have to prove himself.
They began to see each other once a month …and then even more often. It was now April, 2007, and almost a year had passed. Andrea and Jay decided to make things official and be boyfriend and girlfriend. Now they were going steady. Jay says this date was April 19 and Andrea argues that it was not the 19th but actually April 20th. And This has never been resolved to this day.
They remained boyfriend and girlfriend for another 2 and a half years and now it was December, 2009. Jay knew that the time was now right to propose and ask Andrea to be his wife. On December 19, 2009, Jay took Andrea into Boston for the day. Jay took Andrea to dinner at fire and ice and then he took her to see the World Famous Nutcracker.
When the Nutcracker was over Jay suggested that they walk across Boston common. And so, there they were… hand in hand, a light snow falling as the lights of the Christmas season added a special romance to Boston common that night.
Jay led Andrea to the Gazebo at the center of Boston Common. There they stood, all alone, in the center of the gazebo, Christmas lights all around. The scene was perfect. Jay opened his mouth and was just about to propose, but Andrea spoke first . she said “ Okay, Im cold. let’s go home”.
Jay, pleaded with Andrea, “please let’s stay and enjoy this moment together, for just a little while longer”…Andrea said okay. Then suddenly Jay dropped to his knees and opened the ring box to show Andrea her ring, and asked her to please spend the rest of her life with him. Andrea cried tears of joy and said yes…
And that brings us to today, right here, Right now. As a special tribute to the Boston red sox, all baseball fans across the country and around the world …and especially to the friends and family of Andrea and Jay gathered here today here is fenway fan arch constructed entirely of genuine red sox fan baseball bats !
Archway: Bridesmaids and Ushers will form an archway of baseball bats Play: Take me out to the ballgame.
Please welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Andrea Thomas
Vicky and Skip
Vicky and Skip met in 2003 at Brenda’s Birthday party.
2 years later they met again through Brenda – while on a camping trip – they hung out the entire weekend at that camping trip and started to realize that they really enjoyed speaking with each other. 2 months later they ran into each other again at a party – and it was here that sparks really began to fly and it was then that they decided to see much much more of each other. Vicky and skip have been together ever since.
December 3 2010 skip proposed. Vicky was taking a shower. Her dad began to pound on the bathroom door, telling Vicky that she needed to hurry up and let other people use the bathroom. As she opened the bathroom door wearing only a bath towek, thee was skip on bended knee, In his out stretched hand was a gorgeous engagement ring. skip said “will you marry me ?” and Vicky said “But I’m in a towel” – and then she cried and said yes And that brings us to today – right here right now
Jason and Michelle
The year was 2001. Michelle was a senior at Hanover high school while Jason was a sophomore at Bridgewater state college
They had know each other casually throughout high school and they had attended their crazy parties on the weekends and everybody would hang out and do crazy things.
One night Jay sent an instant message saying “are you going to the party tonight ?” He then sent another message “can I pick you up – do you want a ride ? “ And then his final text was “let’s go to dinner” And so history began to be written and tonight’s celebration plans began.
Time passed…They dated… but never really called it dating and when people would ask them if they were dating they would both quickly answer no, of course not ! J Six years would pass and now it was 2008 . Michelle’s course load was crushing and she studied constantly, as she was determined to finish with honors. Jay, ever faithful, would bring her dinner, watch her eat, and then leave her alone so she could complete her awesome task.
Now , it was time, Jay went out and procured an engagement ring. He went to Michelle’s dad, Mike, and asked for her hand. That conversation between these two men has remained a secret to this day.
Then came the graduation celebration for Michelle May 17, 2008, and there were more than 100 people attending. Michelle could not figure out why every firefighter that Jay knew attended. 2 hours into the party Michelle’s mother, Jean, took the mic and it seemed as though she was about to do her famous line dancing and karaoke segment, which she does at ALL family functions
But this was different: Her mom recited an original poem – a tribute to Michelle. After the poem was through Michelle’s uncle Brian said “hey Jay why don’t you say a few words ?”
Jason took the mic and said it had been a few long hard years for Michelle, and she was a trouper and never complained… and how he was so proud of her. – she did it all by herself… and there is one more thing….he went down on one knee … you could hear every female in attendance gasp as Jean took the mic and stuck it in front of Jay’s face … Jay thought for a moment and said “Could I have a minute, please “?
Jason leaned away from the mic and quietly professed his love and his desire to spend the rest of his life with his beloved.
Michelle replied
“oh my god, I am going to throw up
oh my god, I am going to throw up
oh my god, I am going to throw up
And then after an eternity one of Michelle’s aunts grabbed the mic and shouted “she didn’t answer !” , so Michelle took the mic and said “seeing as you have done this in true Long family fashion , I have to say yes.” every one that was at that party may 17, 2008, is here in attendance tonight – .Are we all ready to scream and yell and welcome new England’s newest married couple ! Please welcome
Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Michelle Cavallaro
Timothy and Jennifer
It was May 2007…and Jenifer Labonte was a dental hygienist at the dentist office where Tim’s Mom Ruth went for all of her dental work. Tim and Jen had never met. On this one day in May 2007, Tim Carnevale was chewing frozen candy, one of his favorite things to do … when he suddenly broke his tooth.
His mom Ruth said You are going to go to my dentist right now, even though they are not seeing any new patients I will get you in , and we will get that tooth fixed right away.
So off Tim went to Ruth’s dentist . Tim was introduced to his hygienist Miss Jennifer Labonte, and sparks began to fly immediately…Jen said that they would need to do a cleaning first and then have a look at that tooth.
It was love at first site for Tim. Tim went home to his mom and told her that he was crazy about the hygienist at the dentist office.
Days would pass…
Tim Loves his children, Manda Lee and TJ and frequently he gets a chance to prove it. Also in May, 2007, Manda Lee had told her dad Tim that his hands were yucky and that he really needed a manicure and asked if he would pretty please go with her to have his nails done. Tim loves his daughter so he said yes and so Manda Lee scheduled a manicure for her and her dad.
When Tim went back for his next dentist appt he casually mentioned to his hygienist, Jennifer how much he loves his children and that he would do anything from for them…and then he told Jen about his upcoming manicure. As they talked more, Jen asked Tim what he did on the weekends. Tim told jen that on occasion he goes to the wild horse night club in Beverly, Massachusetts to have a drink or two. A week later on Friday night, Tim’s buddy called him and said to meet him at the wild horse.
As fortune would have it When Tim arrived Jen was there with her girlfriend. Jen had gone there hoping that she might see Tim. And there he was. Jen noticed Tim right away, but Tim did not recognize Jen because she had her hair styled differently than when she was at work. Jen told her girlfriend to call her and make believe she was having a conversation with her.
So Jen’s girlfriend called her and Jen walked in front of Tim and began to have a conversation waiting for Tim to recognize her. But Tim did not recognize her. He looked right at her and then looked away…and Jen walked out into the parking lot… Wondering how to get Tim to notice her.
After a few minutes of thought, Jen burst into the wild horse walked over to tim, grabbed him by the arm, spun him around and said “So how did that manicure come out ?” Tim could not understand how a complete stranger would know about his manicure and why she would ask about it…so he asked Jen what she meant ?
And Jen said Hello ? It’s Me ? jen ? …from the dentist office …?
Tim was so excited his heart began to race. They got a table and chatted for hours. After that night as the months wore on they were dating and growing closer and more in love. 3 years would pass.
Now it was time for Tim to propose. Tim got approval from Manda Lee and TJ and then he called Jen’s dad Paul Labonte and asked if he would approve the proposal and Paul replied that he would be thrilled to have Tim as a son in law
Tim took Jen and Amanda and TJ to the Hard Cover restaurant in Danvers, Massachusetts And there they were, sitting by the fireplace – Jen’s favorite place to sit.
Tim had had always told Jen that if and when he proposed to her, he would quote Rocky Balboa from the movie Rocky 1 and say Hey Jen “I was wonderin’ what you were planning on doing for the next 40 or 50 years…I was wonderin’ if you wouldn’t mind marrying me too much?”
But now it was the real deal, and Tim thought it might not be appropriate to add humor to his sincere proposal…and so instead He suddenly opened the ring box and said I got something for you today …and I was wondering if you would marry me.
Jen began to cry tears of joy and said yes, and the entire restaurant gave them a round of applause…and that brings us to today. Right here right now… Please welcome for the first time:
Mr and Mrs Timothy and Jennifer Carnevale
Mark and Kerry
The date was October 14, 2006 and Kerry and Mark each arrived – separately, with friends at The Old Court – a bar in Lowell, Massachusetts.
It was to be an innocent evening of drinking and dancing. As soon as Mark was introduced to Kerry he was attached to her and within a short time, Mark smitten – Love at first site.
They agreed to meet again and 4 days later on October 18, 2006 They had their FIRST DATE- sushi and a romantic comedy. Kerry was already starting to have strong feelings for Mark. Their relationship seemed to be on the fast track.
And so they dated constantly. 6 months would pass and then, one night in March, 2007, While snuggling on the couch, Mark whispered, [ quote ] “I’m madly in love with you.” Kerry smiled and whispered back: “I love you, too.”
Then, in July, Kerry and Mark took their first vacation together and travelled to the
Riviera Maya, Mexico where they climbed the pyramids, zip lined through the jungle, and swam in underground cenotes ( See-NOTE-Tays ) which are romantic pools of water surrounded by rock formations.
Another year would pass…In August 2008 Mark invited Kerry and Kaley to move in with him.
They became a happy, little family…complete with their own little circus of animals.
Yet, another year passed and Now it was July, 2009 Kerry, Mark, and Kaley survived a nine-hour drive to Niagara Falls… and their voyage to Nantucket.
Kerry had dreamed of a summer proposal … but the summer came and went… and alas, no proposal. Then, out of the blue on February 20, 2010 came Mark’s proposal. Kerry had spent the day with her family at Disney on Ice, and (for once) was actually not expecting Mark’s proposal. Mark, nervously asked “Will you marry me?” Kerry romantically replied: “Shut up!” She was somehow oblivious to the fact that Mark was actually proposing… An eternity seemed to pass as Mark stood, waiting for Kerry’s reply. And then as Kerry realized that Mark was indeed proposing to her she shrieked “YES! OF COURSE! YES!”
Fast forward to February 19, 2011 – That is today… Kerry and Mark have invited the people they love and care about most to share this most important day, and if you are in this room, it is because Kerry, Mark and Kaley love you !
And now please welcome for the first time
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Kerry Longo !!
Dottie and Dan
In September of 1964 The Beatles arrived on our shores from England and Dottie and Dan met in the school cafeteria at Cambridge Latin High School. It was love at first sight for Dan . They started dating in October.
Dottie and Dan dated hot and heavy, off and on for the next five years. Unfortunately for Dan, he took several years to grow out of his adolescent and wild nature!! Dottie got tired of waiting and moved on.
Dottie would eventually marry and move to Ohio. From there, She moved to Staten Island where Matt was born and then to New Jersey where Patrick joined us. Finally, they ended up back in New England. This odyssey took thirty-two years until Dottie finally returned to this area. During this time Dan had three children of his own, Nikki, Krissy and Danny… and was now suffering through his marriage.
Whenever Dan would return to his roots in Cambridge or would see old friends, he would always ask if anyone had seen Dottie or heard of her current whereabouts. He carried the torch for Dottie all those years.
One day in March of 2001, Dan received a promotional email from the well known website He decided to enroll and paid the $29.95. Dan typed in Dottie’s maiden name and within ten seconds there she was! And to make this story even more bizarre, Dottie was living not even 300 yards from Dan’s brother’s house where Dan had just been a couple of weekends before for a family get-together.
Dan emailed Dottie and they corresponded for a couple of weeks. They agreed to meet at Dan’s brothers house. The meeting happened and yes…Dan was madly in love all over again. Dottie and Dan continued to talk, laugh, love and Then…they decided that it was to be final and official – they would finally be together as husband and wife.
On September 12, 2001 they merged their worlds and moved in together. And this brings us to this moment. right here…right now.
could you all please rise and show your love and support for the couple that was destined to be together in this life from the first time their eyes met…our newlyweds – Dottie and Dan !!
Corey and Amy
Amy Bergstrom began her career at U Mass memorial medical center, working as a nurses aid starting in October, 2005. In February of 2009 Corey Dubrule began his career there at U mass medical. Although Corey and Amy were often in the same building and even in the same room at the same time, their paths never crossed…until one magical day. On June 17, 2009 there was suddenly a crisis situation.
Amy had brought a patient to get a ride. At this point Corey and Amy had still never met. The patient that Amy was delivering suddenly became unruly and began to scream and thrash like a crazy person. The situation was escalating and worsening by the second …and the patient was getting physically out of control.
Then suddenly, just like in the movies, a hero appeared… Out of nowhere. There was Corey, standing beside Amy, and then placing himself between Amy and the crazed maniac. “Do you need any help ? Is everything okay?” said Corey.
Amy could tell from his pleasant smile and calm demeanor that any problems she might have had were suddenly gone and her protector Corey was there for her.
After the crazy lady incident Corey and Amy chatted and Corey wanted to be sure that Amy was okay. Amy took out her phone to see what time it was. Corey thought Amy had produced her phone to take down his phone number in case there were any details that needed to be gone over later… So corey began to recite his phone number to Amy…Amy shrugged and said “sure …why not” and so they exchanged numbers, And right there… sparks began to fly and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was laid.
Later that day Corey and Amy formally introduced themselves to each other and then Amy introduced Corey to her mom Suzanne. After Suzanne had met Corey and Corey had walked away, Suzanne said quietly to Amy “He’s cute”
As the days passed, Corey and Amy began to see more of each other. Each day they felt more and more of a connection to each other. They were rapidly on the fast track to the greatest love story ever told. … then one day Corey informed Amy that he had signed up for Active duty in the United States Air Force.
The sound of screeching brakes could be heard in the distance as this budding romance was suddenly about to come to an abrupt halt.
September 15, 2009 Corey left for basic training and they agreed they would stay in touch as often as they could. ( and by the way, thank you for your service to our country, Corey ).
Basic training was tough on Corey, only because he was not allowed to use the phone to call his beloved Amy …
Corey and Amy decided they really missed each other so so much that in March 2010 they had reached a point in their relationship that they knew they would be together forever – soul mates for all time … then came May of 2010 and Amy graduated from Nursing School. In August 2010 Amy moved to Arizona to be with her super hero and they now make their home in Surprise Arizona, …and that brings to today right here right now
Please welcome the happiest Newlyweds on earth Corey and Amy !!
John and Lauren
It was Lauren’s 21st birthday. And, Although she hoped someone would remember and call to ask her to go out and celebrate, alas, no one had called. On this sad day John’s sister Caroline had brought John to meet Lauren…but lauren was so up set and having such a bad day she barely noticed John at all.
Now, john, being the sensitive man that he is felt Lauren’s sadness, and so wanting to make things all better he invited her out that weekend to go clubbing.
Lauren went to the bar to get a drink and lost sight of her friends but when she looked up all she saw was John in the middle of the dance floor and everything else faded away. She walked over to John. They began to share their first dance…and then magically, their first kiss.
As if this story couldn’t get any more surreal, Lauren had been to a fortune teller just 7 weeks earlier and the fortune teller had told lauren that it would be either 7 days, 7 weeks or 7 years to the day that she would meet the man she was going to marry and this man would be a cable guy with 2 kids and with the first initial J.
Laurens birthday is December 7th which was exactly 7 weeks from the day she saw the fortune teller !! And so, John and Lauren moved in together and Lauren took on the responsibilities of helping john raise his two boys, Johnny and Sean, and very quickly they have become a complete family.
On February 29, 2008 john took Lauren into Boston for what Lauren thought was LB’s birthday party. John got them a hotel room so they would not have to worry about driving home and to top things off John procured a horse and carriage ride into Faneuil hall.
As the carriage turned the corner to Faneuil hall john handed Lauren a card and Lauren began to tremble as she read the final line of the cards message which said “will you marry me?”
When Lauren looked up from reading the card john was outside the carriage down on one knee holding the ring. Lauren began to cry and went into shock … And then, before she could answer she heard clapping and cheering, as there stood all of her family and friends waiting to hear her answer. YES, she cried, as John placed the beautiful ring on her finger! fast forward to current time, Lauren and John have bought their new dream house and together, from this day forward, they will live happily ever after !! And now, here they come to the music they danced to that very first magical night, the all new Mr. & Mrs. John & Lauren Lafferty
Lisa & Stephen
It was the Spring of 2006 and Lisa Started her new Job at Fidelity Investments. 4 months later a handsome new recruit named Stephen Joined the team and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was begun Stephen and Lisa worked together at fidelity through that winter and into the spring of 2007. Working in close quarters as members of the same team caused their affection for each other to grow over the weeks and months and then in May of 2007, Stephen asked Lisa out on a date and they dined at a quaint Italian restaurant in North Andover. Now they were dating and enjoying each other’s company ..and then, they realized they had fallen in love. In the fall of 2007, they moved in to their love nest in Nashua NH. A year and a half would pass and now it was their 2nd anniversary, May 24, 2009. Stephen and Lisa had planned to go to a Red sox game that night. Stephen had decided to bring the engagement ring to the game and propose there. Then, after careful consideration, and thinking about the carrying the ring on him all day, he thought better of it and decided to present the ring to Lisa and make his intentions of marriage known earlier that day. When they awoke that morning, Stephen told Lisa, because it was their anniversary he wanted to make her breakfast in bed and he asked her to please relax as he went to the kitchen to make her breakfast. He returned a few minutes later with the first course, a Mimosa ( which is a drink made of champagne and orange juice.
As he handed Lisa her Mimosa Stephen knelt beside the bed and asked Lisa to marry him. Lisa, at this early hour of the morning, was not quite sure what she had heard and was not sure if Stephen was indeed 100% serious…so she simply looked at him, not knowing how to answer. Stephen sensed her indecisions and then said quote: “I really mean it ! I have a ring !” Stephen reached in his pocket and produced the ring box. As he opened the ring box to display the ring for her, he opened the ring box upside down. Lisa looked at the ring box and then at her fiancée with a perplexed look on her face. Stephen quickly notice that he was holding the ring box upside down and he then turned the ring box right side up to reveal Lisa’s ring. Lisa said yes she did indeed want to spend the rest of her life with Stephen …and so later that day they did go to the red sox game on May 24 2009 and the red sox gave them the perfect end to a perfect day by winning the game …and that brings us to this day, right here right now. Please make a lot of noise and show your love for New England’s newest married couple the all new
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Graham !
And now please listen very carefully to their first dance as husband and wife . This is our beautiful bride Lisa singing this song.
Barbara and Paul
It was November 2008, and Paul felt that his relationship with Barbara was going to last forever. Paul asked Barbara’s Mom and Dad for her hand in marriage. To which Mr. Bartucca replied “How much do you make “?
Paul was taken aback… and as he stood there, dumbfounded, attempting to recover, Mr Bartucca said he was just kidding and then said quote: “bring out the beer !” Every year Barbara and Paul go to N Y C but this particular time – this year, Paul thought he would organize and prepare, to present Barbara with an engagement ring . He decided to propose at the top of the rock where the view is 70 stories high and absolutely breathtaking. There, with only the sun and the clouds as his backdrop Paul would, on bended knee, propose to his beloved Barbara. Now they were in New York City, and they prepared to ascend to the top of the rock. Paul casually asked the Elevator Lady how the conditions were up on the observation deck, to which she replied quote:
“you don’t want to go up their today. Save your money. There is zero visibility. You can’t see a thing“ With the engagement ring bulging in his pocket and his heart racing, Paul asked Barbara if she still wanted to see the top of the rock anyway… so he could execute his secret plan to propose to her.
Barbara’s response was disastrous. She said no she preferred to skip it, seeing as there was no view today.
So there they were now, walking in the middle of street, outside 30 Rockerfeller center …and Paul’s plan had come undone. They were beside the enormous outdoor skating rink, packed with hundreds of skaters . Barbara began to come up with alternative ways they could spend the day, “maybe we should go here ..or maybe we should go there …or maybe we should do this or maybe we should do that …” It was a never-ending sentence with a zillion possibilities. And then, in the middle of Barbara’s unending sentence, Paul simply knelt, there in the street, and began his perfectly rehearsed proposal.
With all the hub bub, traffic and noise from all the skaters, Barbara was so distracted and so involved in her alternative sightseeing plans, she had barely even noticed that Paul had dropped to his knees, and in fact, she did not actually catch on to the fact that Paul was proposing until he was almost half way through… As she listened to Paul finish, Barbara was overcome with emotion. She clasped her hand over her mouth, her tear filled eyes as big as half dollars…she looked down at the gorgeous ring, then deep into Paul’s eyes… and then…she turned, overcome with emotion, and began to walk away…Paul was so shocked he simply froze, there on his knees, holding the ring box open, watching Barbara walk away… and Then, Barbara turned around, rushed back to Paul’s open arms and told him yes, indeed she did want to spend the rest of her life with him …And at that point a thunderous round of applause erupted from all the skaters and pedestrians that gathered when they saw Paul drop to his knees. and that brings us to today…right here…right now. Please welcome the happiest man alive and the happiest girl in the world. Mr and Mrs Paul Battaglia !
Diane and Paul
It was February, 2006…Diane’s brother Kevin dragged Diane out to a bar because Kevin felt Diane should get out more …
Kevin was meeting Paul there and it was Diane’s cousin Steve’s birthday and they were all going to celebrate … Paul and Diane were introduced. They looked each other up and down, exchanged a few pleasantries and that was that. No sparks – no love at first sight. Diane and Paul talked casually and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was begun.
In the weeks and months that followed Paul and Diane became casual friends and then close friends – but nothing more – just friends. 3 years would pass …and then in June 2009, Paul and Diane were at Mike’s house hanging out and enjoying a romantic bonfire ….
Paul began to massage Diane’s shoulder and then he asked her on a date – their first real date.
Fast forward one week and Paul asked Diane to join him for the evening on 7/3/09, at Luigi’s Italian restaurant …and then to a friend’s house and out to watch the fireworks. Those of you who know Diane and Paul well will not be surprised to know that Diane insisted on driving – seeing as Paul has always preferred public transportation and
is actually right now on his learners permit and should have his license within the next two weeks.
Almost 2 years more would pass.
On May 7, 2011, Diane was in the living room, watching TV and Paul was upstairs in the bedroom rehearsing his proposal speech.
He suddenly hatched his plan, he yelled to Diane to come help him with a something upstairs. Diane figured it was the leaky toilet that had been a problem for the past few days. But when Diane got to the top of the stairs Paul was not in the bathroom. Diane made her way down the hall to the bedroom and there was Paul on bended knee with a gorgeous ring in his outstretched hand. Paul said “I’ve known for a while that I wanted to be with you …and now is the time to show you that I want to be with you for the rest of my life …will you marry me ?”
Diane cried and through her veil of tears she said yes ( cue Thunderstruck ) and that brings to right here right now…
Chad & Karena
It was July 2005, Karena was living in Hawaii on the island of Oahu and Chad, who she had never met until then, was stationed there as part of his service to our country in the U S Navy …Karena was using Chad’s room mate’s laundry and wifi ..and air conditioning… and she was also buying a table from Chad’s roommate.
Chad invited Karena in for a cup of coffee. At that time in her life, Karena did not drink coffee. She did not even like coffee… but Chad was so handsome, Karena thought it would be worth putting up with the terrible taste of the coffee, to have some interesting conversation with this hunk named Chad.
Sparks began to fly immediately, and the foundation for tonight’s celebration was begun. Their First date they went night fishing for hammerhead sharks. They made an agreement with each other before they started to fish, that they would not give up and come home until they caught a shark. So they began to fish at 6:00 pm. Not long after they began fishing it began to rain, and they kept on fishing. Then it cleared. But then it started to rain again. They were soaked…but they kept on fishing. 5 hours passed, and they ate all of the animal crackers they had brought for snacks. And then, suddenly at 11:00, in pitch darkness, Karena shrieked I got one…and so as Karena battle her shark and reeled it in to the dock, their date was consummated. Karena had hooked onto a hammerhead shark
7 months went by as Karena and Chad grew closer to each other and then in Feb of 2006 Chad was transferred to san Diego.
A year and a half would pass. Chad and Karena stayed in constant touch by phone, and then Chad left on deployment to Iraq . Each time they got a chance to speak by phone Chad would tell Karena how nice san Diego was and how it was just as good as Hawaii and how she should really think about moving to san diego, so they could be together. Karena always countered by referring to Hawaii as paradise and she told Chad that she preferred to stay in paradise, and that he should come join her.
Chad’s constant and relentless mentions finally paid off and on February 11, 2007 Karena arrived in san Diego with 2 bags and a dog.
More than 2 years would pass as they enjoyed each other’s company in the san diego area. And now Chad was ready to propose. With a beautiful engagement ring in his pocket, he asked Karena to go hiking and off they went to the Ku ya MAH-kuh mountains . They took their 2 dogs boy and lady to the top of the mountain,,, and there with the gorgeous view in the background and the sun shining brightly Chad dropped to his knees and asked Karena to marry him.
KArena lunged at Chad and hugged and kissed him,
To this day chad maintains that KArena has never actually said yes to his proposal
And that brings to today, right here right now.
Please welcome Mr. & Mrs. Chad & Karena Karshbaum