Curtis Knight Entertainment - Boston Wedding DJ

Futures Clinic 2016 annual Holiday Gala

On January 14th 2016 Curtis and Anna from Curtis Knight Entertainment were the DJs, Curtis Knight was the photographer and Rich Padula was the photo booth attendant for the Futures Clinic 2016 annual Holiday Gala. This is a very special group of teachers and healthcare professionals and advocates that help patients with autism and other physical and mental challenges. This was their chance to unwind and let off some steam. Jill is the owner of this amazing non-profit and she is very special with a very big heart. She bought so many really nice gifts for her employees it was staggering. They also had karaoke and it was and it was wireless karaoke and the images were projected onto a 7 foot screen as well as a 43 inch High Definition Plasma TV and they also had their small TV that they could read the words from. Everyone else attending got to read along and sing along as well. They also had CKE game show set up like the TV show Jeopardy and they all competed as teams to try and win tickets to the wonderful prizes that were waiting for them. Later on in the evening there were some dance challenges and finally a dance contest and it was truly an amazing segment to watch how feverishly they competed with each other. It’s worth mentioning that they were a very nice bunch of people who all seem to really like and love each other and they all get along and they are also nurturing and upbeat, positive and friendly. It defies logic when compared with the rest of the events we do in any given time frame. It was truly a privilege to serve this amazing bunch. Order your custom package with DJ, MC, Photography, Videography, Photo Booth, Uplighting, Gobo Monogram, Justice of the Peace or Rene Rancourt singing the National Anthem at @curtisknightent Call Curtis 978-590-5910 Facebook Album