Our Photographers
Our most popular, most requested, least expensive package is $2000.
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Our photographers and editing team has been selected once again this year as best of class. Rated in the top 1% of more than 200,000 wedding service companies in the USA and Canada. CKE has partnered with some of the best photographers in this area. By using this website and watching our instructional videos you can learn a lot about what to do and what to expect on your wedding day! We employ the finest photographers in the business here at Curtis Knight Entertainment. Below you will find all of the photographers available to make your event truly unforgettable. Every shooter on the CKE roster is a seasoned, talented, passionate pro. Our photography packages start at $2000. Click here to choose your shooter, or call / E-Mail me and I will help you pick one. Includes:- 7 hours of shooting
- DVD of all high resolution negatives, including 60 retouches
- No watermark. No branding. All yours.
- Personalized online planning website.

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Read all of our DJ, Event Rentals & Photobooths, Photography, Videography Reviews at